Thursday, June 22, 2017

Review of the Pheonix Arms HP22A Handgun
     I want to start off by stating that I am new to guns and shooting and far from any kind of expert. I realize guns can be a hot topic, for many different reasons. In America it is a 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm. Unfortunately many people use guns to cause harm and to kill each other, and in no way do I condone that behavior. I am for common sense gun laws that will truly make a community safer without eroding our right to bare and keep firearms for self-defense, sport, and hunting. Without further ado, let's get to my review of the Phoenix Arms HP22A.
     The HP22A model is a compact handgun in the 22lr(long rifle) caliber. It is made in Ontario, California and is one of the two guns produced by Phoenix Arms. It is semi-automatic with a 10 round magazine capacity. The model I own has a 3" barrel, but you can also buy or find them with a 5" "target" barrel for better long-range accuracy. It has multiple manual safeties, with one on the slide lock, one blocking the firing pin and an external hammer. It weighs in around 20oz and is 4 by 5.5 inches in length. Available in Satin Nickel or Black Matte finish.

I happened to stumble upon this gun at a local gun shop during it's grand re-opening under a new owner. I wasn't really looking to buy anything, but once seeing the price tag and the look and feel of the HP22A,  I couldn't pass it up. My Dad actually had it in his hands ready to buy it, but went with something else, leaving me with the last one they had in stock. I bought it brand new for $129.99, a steal when most 22lr handgun can run $300-500 easy. I liked the compact feel of the gun, and even with the low price, seems to be well-made. Add the fact that I didn't own a 22 and with the ammo being cheap and available, it was a fine addition to my collection.
     Shooting this gun is a lot of fun. I have around 600+ rounds through mine, with only a few  malfunctions. It has low-recoil, decent grip, is small and light-weight and is ridiculously safe with all the different safeties. The accuracy is pretty good at short-range, the rear sites adjustable if need to be. Racking the slide to chamber a round and cocking the external hammer can be done in one motion, or can be done separate for those with weaker hand strength. I do believe this is an ideal gun for a new shooter or elderly shooter with weak grip, due to the low recoil and ease of operation. The safeties will help keep a new shooter from shooting them self and other's around them, and that's always a good thing.  Did I mention this gun comes with a life-time warranty, and Phoenix Arms has good customer service. Can it get much better??
Now to the cons. The safeties are the biggest turn off for most people, because they can be down-right confusing and unnecessary in my opinion. Do you really need a slide safety when you already have a firing pin block safety and an hammer you can decock? The great state of California says "Yes you do!" The slide safety stops the magazine from being able to be pulled from the gun when in fire mode, and stops it from going in as well. This safety can be modified and basically taken off with plenty of YouTube videos showing how to do so, but just be warned that it will void the warranty if you need to send back for repairs. Another small con for some is that it can only use standard velocity 22lr ammo, using a higher velocity round can lead to the frame cracking and other problems with the gun. Self-defense can be another factor to consider, with this gun not really being the best option. It is small and can fit in a purse or pocket for concealed carry, but only shoots standard 22lr and those damn safeties! If your looking for a self-defense gun, The HP22A is better than having nothing but probably not the best choice.
    In conclusion, The HP22A is an inexpensive gun that almost anyone can shoot and enjoy. It may not be the highest quality brand-name gun with all the latest bells and whistles, but it does go bang and is reliable. It's great for new shooters just getting into the sport, and a good option for elderly or other people looking for low recoil and safety. Very easy to take apart and maintain, with a lifetime warranty with good customer service for when something does break. Great handgun to practice with at the range and to learn how a semi-automatic works. Could even be an option for concealed carry, depending on the individual. I highly recommend this gun if you can find it, a great of value for the money.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Review of the movie Dark City

I have been on vacation this week, and one tradition I stick to is to try new things and break away from my routine. It doesn't matter what it is, just something different from the usual daily grind. I would like to share an awesome movie from the late Nineties, titled Dark City I happened to see, thanks to my Mom finding the DVD at a yard sale and letting me borrow it. Still in the plastic wrap, someone truly did not know what they had, and gave it way for around a dollar. Gotta love a yardsale!
   Dark City was released in 1998 and starred Kiefer Sutherland, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt and Rufus Sewell. It was directed and written by Alex Proyas, who also directed The Crow. The movie was a joint production by New Line Cinema and Australian Mystery Clock production, with the majority of production shot in Australia at Fox Studios Australia. Dark City is in the Sci-Fi/Neo Noir genre. It received very minor success at the box office, but has received mostly positive critic reviews. Roger Ebert rated 4 stars and claimed it was the best movie of 1998, Rotten Tomatoes has it at 74% fresh, and IMdB 7.7 out of 10.
     Dark City starts off in a dimly lit hotel room, the main character John Murdoch(Rufus Sewell)
awakening to a grisly murder scene, suffering from amnesia with no recollection to what has occurred. Dr. Daniel Schreber(Sutherland) calls to give Murdoch the heads up that a group of men are on the way and after him, and encourages him to leave the hotel at once. As he is leaving the room, a group of strange men, pale skinned and dressed in all black, are getting off the elevator and heading his way. Murdoch finds out that he is wanted by the police and the strange men, known as The Strangers,  for a string of murder's he doesn't remember committing. He also finds out he is married to a woman named Emma(Connelly), and that something just doesn't seem right about the city that never sees daylight. The movie is about Murdoch's exploration of the city and finding the answers to all his questions.
      The visual and cinematography of Dark City is plain awesome and what makes it such a great movie. With elements of both Sci-Fi and Noir, both combine nicely to create a beautiful landscape and experience for the audience. The city itself is a mix of modern and old, with no distinct year or era, a dark, cold, and mechanical feel that is reminiscent of the silent movie Metropolis. Art Deco signage, old automobiles, and throwback clothing are all present. The atmosphere and story line are similar to the more popular Matrix movies or Inception, though Dark City did release a year before The Matrix.
     I  give this movie two thumbs up, and recommend it as a must-see if you are a fan of Sci-Fi or Neo Noir/Crime/Thriller films. The story line is complex and fairly deep, asking questions about human nature and what exactly makes us who we are. Dark City may have not captured a huge audience at the time, but I do see it as a cult movie that was well made and thought-provoking. I believe it will continue to be at home during midnight showings and art-house cinemas for a long time to come.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

26 movies I have seen in the past year that are "Must-See"
 Hello! It's been a long time since I last posted, just been busy working, taking care of the cats and trying to have a social life. I wanted to share my top 26(25 plus an added bonus!) movies I have seen in the past 365 days that are "must-see" in my opinion. These are both older and newer releases, in no particular order, that I have watched for the first time in the past year. Without further ado, let's get started!

La La Land
Don't sleep on this movie, yes the trailer is kind of weak and it is a musical, but believe me it lives up to the hype. Starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, it's a throwback to the golden age of Hollywood. A true Must-See.

Hidden Figures
Based on the true story of three very important African-American women that worked for NASA in the early 1960's during the Apollo program. I never knew about these women, so glad I do now.
Get Out
It got a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, that's right there with "It's A Wonderful Life"! It's a must-see horror/thriller, fun and unique all the way around.

The Thin Man
William Powell's and Myrna Loy had great chemistry and played many a joke off each other in this colorful  black and white comedy.

Wolverine,Professor X, mini-Wolverine, nuff said!
Dr. Strange
My favorite Marvel comic movie to date. Very colorful and vibrant, Marvel did this "Strange" character justice.

The Searchers
John Wayne at his finest. Saw this Western for the first time last summer during a midnight movie run at Baxter, loved it.

The Green Room
A struggling band ends up playing a show at a neo-nazi compound, witnesses a murder, gets locked in the green room and try to survive. Patrick Stewart stars as a bad guy.

The Founder
Starring Michael Keaton as Ray Croc, the story of of how the McDonald's fast-food empire that we know and love came to be.
Natalie Portman plays Jackie Kennedy in a movie about her life after the JFK assassination and the end of Camelot in the White House

Hacksaw Ridge
Mel Gibson directs the story of Desmond Doss, set in Japan during WWII. Great story of a true American hero.

The Apartment
Produced and Directed by Billy Wilder all the way back in 1960, the story of a man the lends out his apartment to the Big-Whigs at his job.

10 Cloverfield Lane

John Goodman and a ton and twists and turn! An intense movie at times that will have you wondering what is around the next corner.

A boy in remote India gets lost and ends up miles away from home and later adopted by an Australian couple. Based on a true story, starring Nicole Kidman.

I have always been a fan of M. Night Shylaman, even with his missteps in recent years. A movie about multiple personalities that is creepy and spine-tingling. Great acting by James McAvoy who plays the lead character(s).

Manchester By The Sea
This movie is a little slow paced, but don't sleep on this one. Steph(my fiancé) and I both liked it.

2001 A Space Odyssey
Yep, I am late to the party on this one,  just watched for the first time about a month ago and was blown away with the visuals and special-effects for the time period. Stanley Kubrick's Sci-Fi masterpiece.

Refer Madness
Just bought this old movie on VHS a month or two ago, a cheesy old school movie about the horrors of Marijuana use and addiction. It's a must see due to the hilarity of the content, not so much the quality of the actual acting.

The Sinister Urge
Ed Wood movies are so-bad-they-are-good, and The Sinister Urge is no different. The plot focuses on the horrors of pornography and the smut business.Gotta love Ed Wood!

An internet social media game promotes risky behavior for it's players to advance and win. A movie emphasizing the dark side of the internet and social media.

Before I Fall
Based on a novel, and similar to both Ground Hog Day and Run Lola Run(if you are familiar with both). Some decent twists in this movie will keep you interested.

Inglorious Basterds
I am not a huge fan Quentin Tarantino, but have to admit he has made some good movies. I saw this recently for the first time at a "Fash-Bash" midnight movie run(along with Raiders of the Lost Ark) at the Baxter. It's violent, gory, and profane but damn good.

Dracula Rises From The Grave

The late Christopher Lee stars as Dracula in this solid Hammer film production. Dracula has risen to terrify the towns folk once again, after supposedly being destroyed for good.

The Screaming Skull
A true 1950's cheese-fest B-grade movie. Black and white, cheap special effects, low quality but nonetheless fun. Just be careful watching this movie, it may scare you to death!

Double Indemnity
The film-noir's film noir. The gold standard to all other film-noir are judged. I Found this gem on VHS in a flea market a while back, definitely so good it is in my top 10 movies of all time.

Just saw this movie last night at the Village 8, had to add it to the list due to the uniqueness and that it has Kaiju monsters in it! Stars Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis, a bizarre comedy that I give two thumbs up!

So their you have it, my top 26  "must-see" movies that I have watched in the past year. Have a good week, and to all my local friends Happy Derby!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Move Over Mint Julep, Beer is What We Want On Derby Day!

Hello everybody, we are less than one week away from The Fastest Two Minutes In Sports, The Kentucky Derby! In my opinion, this is the best time of year to be from or in Louisville. The Kentucky Derby festival starts off with a BANG during Thunder Over Louisville, and for the two week's until Derby it's non-stop fun! We have The Chow Wagon, The Pegasus Parade, Steamboat Race(Go Belle!), Thurby, Oaks, the Mint Julep contest, Mattress race, Mini-Marathon, etc, etc, etc! After two weeks of fun, we end it with a horse race that is not only the most exciting, but the first of three(Preakness, Belmont) to hopefully award another horse The Triple Crown!

Now most people know fashion is a HUGE(or YUGE if you are Donald Trump) part of the Derby. Big hats and spring color dresses or pants for the ladies, bright and colorful button down shirts with slacks for the gent's. Another staple of the Derby is bourbon, and in particular, The Mint Julep.
Most Louisvillan's and out-of- towners alike will drink a mint julep or two on Oaks or Derby, but it's either you love them or hate them. I do kinda like them, but honestly I used to drink them for the collector's glass they come in. I know they are a big part of the Derby tradition, it's just I yearn for an official beer. Instead, we are stuck with Bud, Miller, Coors, Stella, and maybe a Goose Island or Shock Top as the available beers. None of those are bad, but none hail from the great state of Kentucky or represent the Derby City.

Well all of that might end up changing sooner than later. Falls City, a once prominent brand in Louisville during most of the 20th century, has been reborn and was named the official craft beer of Thunder over Louisville 2016! The brand has just released two new beers, a seasonal(Easy Goer' IPA) and Kentucky Common, and revamped the packing on the other two beers to give them a nice, clean uniform look. The Kentucky Derby Festival Beerfest is on Wednesday, May 4th at the Kroger Fest-A-Ville, showcasing locals, regional, and national craft beers.  My hope is that in the near future that a Kentucky Common(either Falls City or another local brewery) could eventually be side-by side with the mint julep as a official Derby beer.

The Kentucky Common( was the most popular beer style in Louisville from the mid-late 19th century to Prohibition. It has been claimed that around 80% of Louisvillan's drank Commons. A Common beer, similar to a California common(Anchor Steam beer), is a style of beer that is lower in alcohol, light brown to amber in color, and is a blend of barley and corn. Due to the lack of refrigeration or ice during the time period, a Common was fermented at higher temperatures like an ale, aged at a short time or not at all, and consumed immediately or shortly after brewing, usually as draught. This provided a low-cost, highly available beer to an increasing number of thirsty European immigrants. I have tried Falls City Kentucky Common, and have to say it is the perfect Spring/Summer beer with it's lower alcohol, light body, and easy drinkin' appeal.

With craft beer on the rise in Louisville and all over the country, it only makes sense to include it in during the biggest sports event in our city. Lagers like Bud, Miller and Coors are ok,Stella is a decent import and Bourbon Mint Juleps are part of tradition, but what about local craft?? I hope that the Kentucky Common continues to do well and in the future becomes a part of the tradition. I would also like to see beers, such as Louisville Lager(Goodwood Brewing, Louisville), Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale(Alltech, Lexington), Cumberland Brews(Bardstown Rd, Highlands), Sterling Pilsner(Sterling Brewing Co., Louisville), West Sixth IPA(West Sixth Brewing, Lexington), and Against The Grain brewing Co(Louisville Slugger Field).,just to name a few, also available at Churchill Downs and other Kentucky Derby Festival events. Let's not forget our Indiana friends at New Albanian Brewing Co., Upland(Bloomington, IN) or Flat 12 across the bridge in Jeffersonville. Louisville may be known for Bourbon, but our beer scene is neck-and-neck down the stretch and closing fast!


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Run, Logan, Run!

Hello all, welcome back to Southpaw Sleuth! Today I am discussing a movie that I watched for the first time a few weeks ago while on vacation. I went with my mom, sister and her boyfriend to Lagrange, KY, to check out the Traderbaker's mall and to shop the stores on historic Main St. At one store in particular, Agape Thrift Store(301 S 1st St.), I spotted a huge selection of VHS tapes in the back. I still have and use a VHS player, and still buy tapes if the price is right. Most VHS at this place were 50 cents each, and I quickly picked out a few older movies that I had never watched before. One of them, "Logan's Run",  I had heard of but had never seen. I figured for half a dollar for any movie it's worth it, even if I'd only watch it once.
Boy, was it worth every penny! Released in 1976, "Logan's Run" was the gold standard of 70's sci-fi(at least until Star Wars New Hope came out in 1977.)  It has everything a 70's movie should have: weird and colorful costumes, elaborate background and set, hippies,ancient symbols, great music and score, kooky characters and Farrah Fawcett. The special effects were top of the line for the time period, and the film was the first to use laser holography. The film was nominated for two Academy awards, won a special Academy Award, and won six Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film.
The film takes place in the year 2274. Civilization as we know it ceased to exist, and people now live under a domed city, controlled by a computer. Everything is taken care of, and work is no longer necessary. It is a hedonistic society, one of leisure and pursuit of pleasure. The Utopia under this domed city has one major drawback: No one lives longer than 30 years. The reason for this is to preserve resources and to prevent overpopulation.  On or right after the 30th birthday, the citizens go through a ritual, and if not killed during it, can live out the rest of their lives. Logan 5, the main character, is a law enforcement officer called a "Sandman" who eliminates "Runners" that try to escape the ritual and city. The film is about Logan eventually running from society to escape his on own lethal requirement.
I don't want to spoil this film for people that have yet to see it. I have already watched it twice, and could easily watch again. The film, at roughly 2 hours long, moves along smoothly with just the right amount of action, adventure and love story. The cast of characters is wonderful, Michael York and Jenny Agutter play the main characters, the late Roscoe Lee Browne and  the late Peter Ustinov are stand-out supporting characters. The visual effects of this film is definitely it's strength, with a vivid and imaginative set and costumes. Even though it is dated compared to today's standards, I believe most people will still appreciate what this film has to offer. Highly recommended!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Let's Talk Food!

Hello All! Welcome to another entry of  Southpaw Sleuth. I hope you enjoyed my last post, and maybe learned a little about the Louisville sports scene, and that horse racing and college basketball are just two things that make Louisville great! Today I am sharing my thoughts and opinions on a restaurant I visited on my vacation last week. I like to try new things or break my routine on vacation, and last week was no different. Without further adieu, let's talk Food!

I finally got around to trying Zaxby's, 801 Blankenbaker Pkwy. Zaxby's is a chicken joint, with multiple locations around town. The chain seems to be growing like a weed, with a new location on Dixie Hwy. and one in the works on Old Henry Rd. I have heard so much hype over the years about this chain you would think its the second coming of Colonel Harland Sanders (The founder of KFC, before it turned to crap)! They serve salads, appetizers, wings and fingers,with numerous side items, some with the name starting with a Z("Zalads,Zappetizers for example).

I placed my order using Zaxby's website(, for pickup at the 807 Blankenbaker Pkwy location.  I had received a coupon in the mail for free 5-piece chicken fingers($5.49) with the purchase of a large drink. When ordering, I added on an appetizer, the spicy fried mushrooms($3.49). I went inside to pick up my order, and what stuck out to me was how clean, organized, and fun the restaurant looked. Lots of  country-style wall art, sports memorabilia(negative points for mostly UK stuff), and quirky Zaxby's signage(One saying to be cautious, eating at Zaxby's can be addicting!). I was promptly waited on, and my order was ready on time. The only problem was they had already charged my debit card, and could not take off the coupon. When using online ordering, they ask for payment information, but I did not realize the sale was final. I did not see a way to put a coupon code in, so next time I will order in or phone in the order to insure I can use this coupon. A minor inconvenience, but not a deal-breaker.

Now to the food: Fried mushrooms were served hot, breading almost falling off and a little too greasy. The serving size was ok, probably just the right amount for an appetizer. They are served with Zaxby's signature sauce, Zax sauce(mildly spicy, mayonnaise and horseradish sauce), which was good and definitely complimented this appetizer. Not bad, but nothing to write home about. The chicken fingers, also served with Zax sauce, were good, but they seemed like they had been sitting for a few minutes, hot but not fresh out of the oven hot. For the money(without the use of the coupon my total was over $10 for a 5 piece finger, fried mushroom and large drink) saying that I was disappointed is probably an understatement. Nothing was what I would consider excellent, and for the money it should have been. I would like to try some of the other items from the menu, and have heard the salads, oh pardon me, zalads, are amazing. Overall I would give Zaxby's a 3 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for reading, and be on the lookout for the next Southpaw Sleuth blog post!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Louisville, More Than Just Derby!
Louisville, Kentucky is my home. I was born and raised, and have spent all of my 35 years here. When it comes to sports, we are generally known for horse racing and college athletics. We are the home of Churchill Downs, The Kentucky Derby,  UofL men's(and women's) basketball teams, and hall of fame coach Rick Pitino. With Spring officially here, Derby time is upon us! Thunder Over Louisville, one of the largest firework displays in North America, is just a few weeks away. Thunder is the official kick-off to the Kentucky Derby Festival, and that brings free concerts,  the chow wagon and big hats back to the Ville! This is an exciting time to be in Louisville, with thousands of horse racing fans ascending on our town for the two weeks leading up to the Run For The Roses. This is our "Mardi Gras", and we should be proud of it!
 I am blogging today to shed light on a few of our other great sport teams that call Louisville home this time a year. These teams and sports are a delight to watch, easy on the pocketbook, and fun for the entire family. Two of the teams, Louisville City FC and Louisville Bats, start up the new season this month, with Derby City Roller Girls already in full swing.. Read on to learn about the teams that make Louisville more than just Derby!

Louisville City FC is Louisville's professional soccer team. Founded in 2014, they play in the United Soccer League. Home games are played at Louisville Slugger Field, located close to Main St. in  downtown Louisville. I have personally not been to a game yet, but hope to change that this season. With soccer growing in popularity in the States, Louisville City FC has been a great addition to the sports landscape.  Check out the link below for schedule, tickets, and general information.

Louisville Bats baseball team is the other team that plays at Louisville Slugger Field. They are a minor league Triple-A baseball team affiliated with the Cincinnati Reds. Louisville's minor league baseball team has been around for decades, with different names and team affiliations. Since I have been young, we have had The Redbirds, River Bats, and the current Louisville Bats. I remember going to  Redbird's games as a kid, and have gone to quite a few Bats games over the years. They are a lot of fun for the entire family, and are budget friendly, with numerous promotions, including $1 Pepsi and Hot Dogs! Check out the official website for more information.

Last, but certainly not least, is the Derby City Roller Girls, aka Louisville's other derby! This team is an all-female flat track roller derby team consisting of three squads,the All-Stars, Bourbon Brawlers, and Junior. They play home games at Champ's Rollerdrome, a skating rink located in Lyndon. If you have never been to a roller derby match, you are truly missing out and need to go to one ASAP. The matches consist of two fast-paced half's, separated by a halftime that usually involves the crowd in some sort of fun and silly way. These games are full-contact, fast, and furious, and after going to a game or two I can guarantee you will be hooked! Check out the website for schedule and information. 

Thanks for reading, see you next time!